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👋 Wave goodbye to your boss & make your own money

This handbook teaches you how to make money on your own terms with Small Opinions. From the mind of Daniel Vassallo, a man who quit his Amazon job to earn millions on his own.

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Follow a Proven Path

Spread risk.
Learn how to spread risk to increase your chances to succeed
Winning strategies.
Understand how to approach entrepreneurship with winning strategies.
Find your "luck".
Learn how to embrace randomness and find your "luck" in the process.
Change your life

Only 100 copies available. Get yours now.

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The Power of building in public. Now yours.

With this handbook, learn how to create a loyal community that will create opportunities for you.

How to build in public.
Learn about the best practices to build on social media.
How to engage.
Learn how to engage with your audience and create a loyal community.
Write compelling content.
Learn how to write compelling content that will make your audience engage.
Learn how in minutes

Prices double every 10 sales. Secure your copy now.

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Turn Your Ideas into Viable Products

Daniel Vassallo's journey from a high-paying corporate job to a successful entrepreneur is jam-packed with lessons anyone looking to create a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Do the same, but on your own terms.

Take the shortcut
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$1M revenue in 3 years

Understand the strategies and apply them to your own business.

Be Autonomous. Be Happy.

Stop being a cog in the machine. You're a maker, so build your own path while learning from the best.

The big corporation you work for doesn't give a damn about you.
Get the handbook
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Become motivated and fulfilled

This isn't just another handbook; it's your wake up call to life-changing opportunities. It's the nudge you need to finally take the leap and become your own boss. This will be a hard journey, but this handbook will be your guiding light.

The road to success unfolds with Small Opinions

Experience the candid wisdom Daniel Vassallo gleaned after trading his high-earning Amazon job for an autonomous, rewarding entrepreneurship journey.

From Journey to Guidebook

Learn through Daniel's well-versed documentation of his transformative journey. Get direct insights from his professional growth story.

Learn from Small Bets

Understand the cumulative value of small, strategic risks that usher in greater autonomy and higher rewards.

Get Fresh Approaches to Being Your Own Boss

Discover unconventional paths to entrepreneurial success that throw out outdated rulebooks.

Authentic Profit Maximization

Unlock sustainable revenue generation strategies tested and proven by a self-made millionaire.

Realistic Goal Setting

Equip yourself with the skills to set attainable, yet ambitious goals matched with optimal timelines.

Maintain a Practical Approach

Put theories into concrete actions with practical plans uniquely designed for bootstrapped entrepreneurs.

Frequently Asked Questions about Small Opinions

You've got questions, we've got answers. Find the information you need to start your exciting entrepreneurial journey with Small Opinions.